Are you ready to believe that you are enough? That you deserve and can experience success, healthy relationships, money and good health.
TRTP™ is an elegantly simple, yet comprehensive, step-by-step process which resolves extreme trauma and trauma-related issues – anxiety, depression, fears and phobias. It achieves results quickly, effectively and safely – generally in 3 sessions.
It is a truly eclectic therapy. It is a very structured, yet dynamic process. It includes components of Gestalt, Mindfulness, Ego-state Therapy, Choice Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Parts Therapy, Emotion-focused Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Dream Rehearsal Therapy and others.
It is a dynamic, rich and sequenced series of steps, which, if separated would not be anywhere near as powerful. It is unique. It allows space for the individual client’s needs to be met.
TRTP™ makes use of deep imagination. Deep imagination is used in order to deal with trauma where it is stored – in the subconscious and in the body. (Levine, van der Kolk, Rothschild, Ogden).
TRTP™ is in alignment with the two requirements stated by Van der Kolk, Levine and other trauma experts:
For trauma to be resolved –
> the person must (somehow) be moved to an empowered position in regard to the trauma
> the body must (somehow) know that the event / events are over
TRTP™ initially deals with the underlying, unconscious core beliefs which keep a person stuck in patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour. In dealing with this at the beginning of the process, self-sabotage is avoided during the following therapy.
TRTP™ then takes the emotional charge from the past, moving the client to a place of empowerment in relation to the trauma. Because deep imagination is used, the therapist can then speak directly to the body and to the unconscious. The client is shifted from fight/flight/freeze and moved to an empowered, self-regulated state. The sympathetic nervous system is calmed. The memory of the trauma is placed firmly in the past.
The client quickly moves from their state of fight, flight, freeze – ‘I’m not safe!’ To, ‘It’s over. I’m safe now…’ Calm returns, on all levels. Symptoms cease.
TRTP™ does not merely address the symptoms of trauma. It deals with the underlying cause of the problem, removing the emotional charge from the past and returning the person to a state of empowerment, returning the sympathetic nervous system to calm.
What you experience in 3 sessions…
Session 1
We all have limiting Unconscious Core beliefs about ourselves. These come from past experience, what others have said to us and what we say to ourselves. Very Often, 80-90% – of these beliefs are not true and when we remove them or change them in our unconscious, we give ourselves permission to do amazing things. In Appointment 1 let's remove your limiting beliefs and introduce you to your authentic self.
Session 2
Step into your power. You don’t have to go into the details of these events because we understand this may be to re-traumatise yourself. What we do is to empower you, so that you feel safe and can revisit the event as an empowered person. You take control over the event, the event does not control you.
Session 3
Seeing the future. In this appointment we guide you so that you can see the future where you are not shackled by the past. It’s over and you are safe and you can now plan and visualise the future.
Are you ready?
If you feel like you can say -
I am ready, Yes I want to create lasting change in my life!
Then you are ready to start your TRTP journey
Each Session takes 2 hours scheduled a week a part.
The total cost for the 3 sessions is $990AUD
When you book you will need to complete the homework tasks sent to you and return to Dharamjot 3 days prior to your first session.
If you have any questions please call +61449940081 or email dharamjot@gmail.com
Why TRTP™ works
Dharamjot shares how TRTP™ makes such significant changes by aligning the conscious and unconscious mind.
Watch this short video to learn more.
TRTP Testimonials
“I've never thought of myself as someone who had issues with trauma, having led a sheltered and relatively "normal" life.
However, around the end of last year (2021), I started having unexplained panic/anxiety physical reactions which I eventually realised was due to old unresolved emotional wounds that surfaced when triggered by particular circumstances/people.
I knew that was a sign that I needed to change something and that's when I signed up to do the Richards Trauma Process therapy with Dharamjot.
I've never done any form of therapy at all before this. I wasn't sure what to expect and I was also afraid of what it would bring up, and if I'd be able to cope with opening that can of worms.
The sessions were really effective in taking out the emotional charge of the events that had caused so much pain and hadn't been resolved even after years. I can think back now on those memories with no particular feeling and it feels like a big weight has been lifted, and areas of my life that had real blocks are finally clearing out bit by bit. Apart from tackling the main issue that I wanted to resolve, the process also uncovered some beliefs and origins of other areas in my life that I was struggling with, a major one being procrastination.
It has been 4 months now since I completed the sessions with DJ and the effects are far reaching, and continuing to make an impact in my day to day life and in my relationships with my family and others around me.
I've been through many self development and personal programs and even personal coaching to try to fix some of these relationship issues but they only worked mostly on the surface level, and soon I would fall back into old patterns again.
TRTP really works to reprogram those patterns at a deeper level, and I couldn't have picked a better therapist to guide me along the journey than Dharamjot. Her empathy, kindness and calm made me feel very safe and reassured throughout the whole process from beginning to end.”
Jean - Malaysia
Change the way you see yourself…
“I did TRTP with DJ, a month ago. The reason I did TRTP, was to fix one thing that to take the unconscious of me being “big” awat from me, however it helped with so many other ways, I’m not scared of heights, I don’t doubt myself anymore, I don’t need recognition from others. it certainly does create a shift in your life. I would highly recommend it for those that need it.”
D - Australia
More possibility
“Having just been through TRTP myself I can recommend this as an amazing process, especially to be guided through it with Dharamjot, really worthwhile to bring more peace, joy and possibility to your life ❤️”
N- New Zealand
Responding with love
So I went for it and trusted the process - afterall, nothing else seemed to work, and this was another solution . But what was extraordinary about this approach is that it works on the subsconsious mind and releases past traumas no matter how small or insignificant in the past to clear any effects such trauma is having in the present in an unconscious level. And it works like a miracle.
After attending these 3 sessions, my life was the same as it always was. I still had a negative world to respond to.
But one thing was different. I noticed I didn’t react badly to these negative situations, and become a total mess like I usually did. I realised that for the first time, I responded with love, hope and care for my dad. I was able to treat my prospective clients with a cool and calm I’ve never experienced before and for myself, I found so much peace in my day to day and didn’t sweat the small stuff.
And this is the power of this simple 3 step process with Dharamjot. If you have a phobia, a compulsive behaviour or something you just can’t seem to shake about yourself which is affecting your life, give this process a try. It’s worth a shot because it is backed by psychological studies done by the founder herself which delves into the powerful way the mind works.
M - Malaysia
Time to Let Go
I didn’t realise how much I was still holding on from my childhood and adolescence until I worked with Dharamjot using the TRTP method and after 3 sessions I honestly felt so much clearer and lighter within my physical and emotional well-being
Dharamjot is a great practitioner who is dedicated to help solve whatever needs to be cleared
Highly recommended
J - Australia