I never had to diet until…

I have always been a naturally skinny person and never had to watch what I was eating as it didn’t really show up on my body. If I looked alright I must be alright!

I was not actually paying attention to how my body felt at that time. I was able to eat and enjoy all the cakes, and chocolate that my insatiable sweet tooth enjoyed. Never had I associated that sweet tooth with emotional eating but more about that next time.

Since having my two amazing daughters my normal skinny body was getting a lot heavier. I was a lot busier, caring for others and eating with convenience as a priority and for comfort as a necessity. However I could no longer eat anything I wanted without it showing up on my body. I was getting heavier and heavier and my chins seemed to be multiplying. 

For awhile I knew something had to change but to be honest to make the shift seemed impossible. It really scared me to step out of my comfort zone, my so called freedom to eat whatever I liked whenever I liked was being challenged. 

Every diet I had ever heard of seemed like torture and so restrictive and to be honest not very successful. To go on a diet was just not me! 

So we decided to move from Malaysia to Australia at the end of that year creating a window of opportunity and a motivation to change. I finally felt ready to make the shift spurred on by my six year old’s innocent comment comparing my chins to a sumo wrestlers! Sure a few people had asked me if I was pregnant or asked if I going to try and loose some weight, but for some reason that just did not motivate me. It had to come from within.

A friend recommended that I chat to Dr Ju Lee Tay a WildFit coach. When we spoke I  realised I was experiencing a lot more issues than being overweight. I had no energy, my first thought upon waking was, when can I go back to sleep? My hair was falling out, my nails brittle and I was loosing my temper quickly and far too often and I was no longer very active. 

To be honest I was sceptical that my diet was related to all those issues but I was willing to give it a go. It was only 90 days and having a regular Kundalini Yoga practice showed me that 90 days can pass quickly. I felt prepared to embark on the journey as I had done yoga training, psychotherapy training and completed many healing modalities. What I realised was I had never looked at food before, it just seemed too scary but this time I was ready. 

I committed! This was a key point in the success, I was ready for change and I was going to follow the program as given to get the best results possible. Thinking that the results would not be that dramatic, I didn’t take proper before photos and had low expectations aiming to lose 5 kg which was changed to 10kg in the middle of the challenge and I went on to lose 15kg. I was back to my normal weight before my first pregnancy 9 years ago.

What supported my success was the step by step structure of the program celebrating many wins along the way. Eric Edmeades the founder of WildFit spoke my language - he is a realist, he searches for truth and exposes the tricks of the food industry, he was educational and spoke directly to my sugar monster. I was personally supported by my coach who quickly turned any slip ups into a learning  experiences and I invested in the program and myself, so I wanted to get my money’s worth. The program was holistic looking at emotional eating and sustainable creating a lasting change in relationship with food.

At the end of the 90 days I felt more confident than I could remember. I had achieved something I thought was impossible. I had more energy than I had felt for at least 10 years and I could wear clothes that I really never expected to wear again. I was kinder to my kids and family as I felt calmer and felt really clear like I had just been on a yoga retreat. The difference has been lasting. 

So what was the reaction - the people who saw me regularly throughout the challenge were so supportive and cheering my success which felt so encouraging. Some that just saw me at the end thought I had become sick, as they could only imagine that is the way to to lose weight (A belief I previously shared), others noticed my radiance had returned. One person who did not know me before kids said “Oh I can see now you are a skinny person” that made so much sense to me, as I was and somehow I had forgotten who I was in the busy-ness of being a mum.   

If I reflect back the weight of my old diet may not have been shown around my waist for most of my life  but I did always have cellulite, anxiety and a big behind! All that changed with WildFit and I was not only feeling what I remembered as my normal self I was actually feeling better with the cellulite gone and so so much calmer.

After completing the  Kundalini Yoga Teacher training and enjoying the positive impact it had made on my life  - I thought this is way too good to keep to myself, I have to share and teach! This is exactly how I felt about WildFit, it is just so achievable with such transformational results that I want to support others ready to make a change, so they can also feel that the impossible is possible, bringing the feeling of confidence and control back into their lives.   


Meeting My Sugar Monster