Meeting My Sugar Monster

When I was a baby all I would eat was chocolate custard. My poor mother worried about me getting enough food and  would continue to feed me the custard, relieved that I had something in my tummy. That was more than 40 years ago, so the awareness about sugar was not what it is today. 

Actually when you look at milk formula for babies now you will notice that it may not contain the word sugar but actually it is full of corn starch and corn syrup which are just other names for sugar. Sugar in disguise! 

When we hear a baby cry we want to do whatever it takes to sooth her. As a mother I also look for solutions and will do anything for a moments peace.

Enter the sugar monster - picture the Cookie Monster, a fluffy little monster that you simply can not resist, very persuasive, promising you a warm fuzzy feeling, a feeling of love, rewarding you for whatever you feel you deserve. This monster wants to be fed with sweets, candy, cakes, soft drinks and all the things that you were rewarded with when you were young or just given to make you comply. 

This monster comes up to ease the pain, celebrate your wins, relieve your boredom and sometimes even to punish you with over eating creating feelings of guilt and shame. When you are unaware of this monster it certainly has control over you and your responses. They are unconscious.

When we begin to recognise the sugar monster and under what circumstances that fluffy monster full of promise appears, we start to bring our relationship under control. I noticed I love to reward myself when I had put the kids to bed with a chocolate or ice cream, if the kids did well at school we went to Baskin and Robbins, if we went on an outing, it would include sugar and if I was feeling down a block of chocolate promised to turn my mood around.

Start to pay attention to when your sugar monster appears and just by noticing you start to create a new choice. If you are interested in putting that monster to bed WildFit offers a step by step program over 90 days that will change the way you feel and the need to reach for sugar for comfort forever. 


Blog Post Title Two


I never had to diet until…